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At DBA, we prioritize your privacy and protect the information collected on our website. We expect respect in your interactions with our team, fellow students, and clients, especially during assisting placements.

Enrollment and Admission

- Application: Enrolled students must complete the application form and submit it with any required documents, including a deposit. This fee is non-refundable but transferable to another batch within the same financial year.

- Admission Criteria: Admission is based on the review of the application form, interview, and assessment of the applicant’s skills and potential.

- Confirmation: Once accepted, enrolled students will receive a confirmation of enrollment with details about the course, start date, and payment schedule.

Fees and Payment

- Course Fees: Fees are outlined in the course brochure and may change. Additional costs for personal tools are not included.

- Payment Schedule: A non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place, with the remaining balance due according to the payment schedule provided.

- Refunds and Transfers: Refunds are not available once the course has started. In exceptional cases, you may receive a partial refund if you withdraw before the course begins. If you need to drop out after starting, you may transfer your place to a future batch within the same financial year, subject to availability.

- Receipts/Invoices: Provide your invoicing and GST details at enrollment. Once the invoice is prepared, no changes are permitted. If you pay fees after deducting TDS, you must submit the TDS certificate on time.

Course Structure and Delivery

- Content: The courses include theoretical instruction, practical demonstrations, and hands-on practice. DBA may alter the curriculum without notice, though a broad overview can be shared with you.

- Attendance: You must attend at least 95% of classes, placements, practice days, and assessment shoots. If you miss a class without prior confirmation, DBA is not obliged to provide a make-up class, but you may reschedule within 12 months if approved.

- Industry Placements: You will have opportunities for unpaid placements across India, gaining practical experience. Repeatedly declining placement requests may count against your total, and DBA may offer up to 25% more placements to ensure fairness due to genuine unavailability.

- Punctuality: Arriving on time for all classes and placements is crucial; persistent lateness may lead to disciplinary action.

- Replacement of Trainers: The academy reserves the right to replace trainers . This includes instances where the regular trainer is unforeseeably unavailable (such as, but not limited to illness, emergency leave, maternity leave) or when a change is deemed necessary for educational purposes. Specific course trainers will be confirmed at the time of enrolment only.

Conduct, Assessment and Certification

- Professionalism: Enrolled students are expected to maintain high standards of professionalism, including respect for instructors, staff, clients, and fellow students. Inappropriate behavior may result in dismissal.

- Dress Code: Enrolled students must follow the academy’s dress code, including wearing professional attire and maintaining personal hygiene. Specific requirements for certain shoots will be provided.

- Health and Safety: Enrolled students must comply with all health and safety regulations. Any accidents or injuries must be reported immediately.

- Gross Misconduct: Actions that bring DBA into disrepute may result in expulsion.

- Formal Warnings: Enrolled students may receive a formal warning if they fall below expected standards. Continued inappropriate behavior may lead to suspension or expulsion.

- Assessments: Enrolled students will be assessed through practical and theoretical examinations, assignments, and portfolio shoots.

- Certification: Upon successfully completing the course and assessments, enrolled students will receive a certificate from DBA recognized within the industry.

Intellectual Property and Privacy

- Course Materials: All course materials are for the personal use of enrolled students only. Reproducing or distributing these materials is prohibited.

- Student Work: DBA may use photographs, videos, and other media of students’ work for promotional and educational purposes. Students will be credited appropriately. Respect for everyone’s contribution to the shoot is essential.

- Data Protection: Personal information of enrolled students will be handled in accordance with data protection laws, and confidentiality will be maintained.

and Grievances

- Complaints Procedure: Students with concerns about their course or DBA’s services should contact their instructor or staff. DBA will investigate and resolve complaints promptly and fairly.

- External Student Counsel:
In exceptional cases, students can take grievances to the External Student Counsel, a group of 8 former DBA students who provide non-binding recommendations. DBA considers these recommendations when making final decisions on dispute resolution.

The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to enroll in any program or course at Daniel Bauer Academy. A comprehensive document covering all terms and conditions is available for review within our brochures and pre-enrollment forms. Enrollment in any of our programs or courses is subject to the completion of an official application form and acceptance of the full terms and conditions, as outlined in these documents. The Academy reserves the right to change or update the information on this website at any time without prior notice.

Contact Us

For questions or concerns about these terms and conditions, email the Daniel Bauer Makeup Academy at Office Hours: The Mumbai office is open Monday to Friday, 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Appointments outside these hours can be arranged in advance.Thank you for choosing Daniel Bauer Makeup Academy. We look forward to supporting you on your journey to becoming a skilled hair and makeup artist.